Sunday, January 31, 2016

Letting Frustation Build and Letting Go

Let's cut to the chase! This week has been a stressful and busy one! I have tons of things to say, but I'm too exhausted to type it all out! Between birthday and work parties to emptying the last bit that was left in our church before it's going to be demolished, it's been a long and hard week!

Often when we have a week like this, we let our negative thoughts build.....and build.... and build, and instead of letting it go in a positive way,  we just explode. But after we explode,  there can be feeling of sadness,  remorse and even  guilt especially if we exploded on someone else. ALL too often we don't give ourselves breaks throughout the day to just breathe and let go of all of that negativity.

So this week I want you ( don't worry I'm going to do it too) to go on around your day and your week normally and  would you just allow yourself to take as many breaks as needed to just breathe??? You deserve it; your family deserves it; I deserve it; we all deserve it! We all have something positive to give so don't let that negativity shine through!

Have a great week! ❤


Sunday, January 24, 2016

Tired of Quiting? Quit Quiting!!!!

You know what?

I'm tired.....but I want a change.
I have a vision but some times it's too blurry to see.
Often I give people so much that there is so litle or nothing left for me.
I know I was made for do see say change be the person God wanted me to be.
Sometimes I just have to reflect on the person I was....The person I change the person I want to be!

I know I can do it, and so can you. You deserve to be happy. You deserve to feel loved. You deserve it all!

Have a great week! Let's make this one the best week, month, and year yet!

P.S. I will be running a Family Fit Challenge starting February 1st. If you haven't liked my FB group yet, feel free to follow along in the fun! Adaptable for all ages! :) InShapeForever with Julie Freeze
Hope you can join! I know my family needs it!!!!

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Weekly Goals

I just want to thank everyone who is following along at It was a huge goal of mine to blog once a week every Sunday this year. I have to admit, I'm busy...I let my life get in the way, but I'm devoted to making my life job plan work....and that means I can help others....I can help you make your life work....your plan work....your job work....and you can help others!

I'm just so thankful that you're here, and I welcome you to follow me all of #2016. I can't wait to see what the future holds and God has planned!

Happy Sunday!

God Bless!

❤ 1.17.16

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Keeping up with Resolutions

Let's be honest..... It's now the 2nd week in January and a lot of us have probably forgotten all about our New Year's resolutions already! A few of us will get off track and start back up, but quite a lot of us will give up too soon. We can forget why we started in the first place, or after a few minor setbacks, we're ready to throw in the towel!

Here are some tips:

◀Don't do too much too fast too soon!
Change one habit and once that is mastered, focus on another until you have changed everything you want to change!

◀No matter how hard it is, do not give up!
◀Enlist the help of family and and friends! Ask them to join you in a lifestyle change!
◀Be aware that everybody is unique and don't just pick some exercise or diet fad because you know someone who had success with it! Play into your personal interests and likes/dislikes
◀Don't be afraid to get help from professionals. From dieticians to trainers to coaches, these professionals may be well worth the investment to promote a healthy lifestyle and prevent injury.
◀ Have fun! Don't make your goals be too lofty that it's not fun to cook, clean, and just live!
◀Create a schedule that works for you and your busy lifestyle.
◀Take time to get organized. Organize your car, house, and lifestyle!
◀Most importantly, love yourself each and every day!

Happy Sunday!


Keeping up with Resolutions

Let's be honest..... It's now the 2nd week in January and a lot of us have probably forgotten all about our New Year's resolutions already! A few of us will get off track and start back up, but quite a lot of us will give up too soon. We can forget why we started in the first place, or after a few minor setbacks, we're ready to throw in the towel!

Here are some tips:

◀Don't do too much too fast too soon!
Change one habit and once that is mastered, focus on another until you have changed everything you want to change!

◀No matter how hard it is, do not give up!
◀Enlist the help of family and and friends! Ask them to join you in a lifestyle change!
◀Be aware that everybody is unique and don't just pick some exercise or diet fad because you know someone who had success with it! Play into your personal interests and likes/dislikes
◀Don't be afraid to get help from professionals. From dieticians to trainers to coaches, these professionals may be well worth the investment to promote a healthy lifestyle and prevent injury.
◀ Have fun! Don't make your goals be too lofty that it's not fun to cook, clean, and just live!
◀Create a schedule that works for you and your busy lifestyle.
◀Take time to get organized. Organize your car, house, and lifestyle!
◀Most importantly, love yourself each and every day!

Happy Sunday!


Sunday, January 3, 2016

2016 Goals for InShapeForever

It's the new year, and like many bloggers (who haven't blogged in a while), you may feel just like me....
✅Full of ideas but no motivation to make it happen.
✅Struggling to find the time to do things like washing the pile of clothes on the floor,  cleaning the dishes in the sink, or eating healthy, let alone planning out a whole blogpost!
✅Feeling like your blog became more of an obligation rather than something you want to do.
✅Guilty because you didn't "finish" something you started.

I'm right there with you! I've felt so much pressure (which no one has placed on me but myself). I've wanted to post more....but I'm just so busy and I've let life get in the way! 

I have a vision for #InShapeForever and I can't wait to make my dreams a reality!

I'm starting this year off with a few goals and I'd love your help on a few of them!

1) My first goal is to post EVERY Sunday! I'm carving out that time just for me (and you!). You see, I feel so much better when I get my intentions, my worries, my fears, my ambitions down on paper (and the internet). If you're a fellow blogger, pick a day that works for you, and make a goal....posting once a month, or once a week. For me, just blogging "when I got around to it" meant I haven't posted in months (thus the guilty feeling).

2) My second goal is to have a theme for this year (call it a resolution if you will). My theme is "less is more" and it totally aligns with the mission here at #InShapeForever for getting in shape physically, mentally, and spiritually! We all need to stress less, love more, give more, buy less,.....and the list goes on and on!

3) For my new goal to post every week (Sunday as I promised), I would like to feature one person each month who aligns with the mission here! If you or you know someone who would be interested in being feautured, comment your email below or email me directly at!

4)Feel free to call me out if I fall short on my goals for this year!

I started this blog with everyone in mind, and if there is something you want to see, then tell me! I'm all open ears for suggestions! I'm here for me, but I'm also here for you!

Happy Sunday y'all! Have a blessed day and week until next Sunday!!!!
