A site devoted to getting people in shape and staying that way forever! No matter how long you have been exercising or have been a couch potato, there is motivation and inspiration for you! Let's all get in shape physically, mentally, and spiritually! In Shape Forever!
Sunday, September 27, 2015
Friday, July 31, 2015
In Shape Forever Montly Newsletter starts August 1, 2015
I'm super excited to release my In Shape Forever monthly newsletter starting August 1st, 2015.
I have a ton of ideas and I can not wait to share my mission of becoming In shape not only physically but also spiritually and mentally!
I'll be adding information on free groups, recipes, motivation and inspiration!
To join my newsletter list, comment your email below or email me at coachfreezeframe34@gmail.
Sunday, July 26, 2015
Letting Ourselves Forgive
After church today, I had the pleasure of meeting a fellow mother at lunch.
We had a powerful discussion about why it's hard for us to forgive others, and more importantly why it's hard to forgive ourselves.
Don't get it wrong, it's an amazing responsibility God has given us to be mothers, but that responsibility can weigh heavy on our heart, our minds, and we can often lose track of who is really in charge.....God.
While I'm still struggling to "figure it all out," I know that while I'm in the storm right now, that there is a reason why it's happening. Something positive will come from it; I just can't lose faith in others, myself, and more importantly my God.
After lunch, we prayed and while driving home, I glanced over to read a church sign. It read, "Forgiveness means setting the prisoner free who you find out was you all along."
I'm not going to lie, forgiving isn't easy, but no matter what someone else has done to you....your family....or you have done to yourself. You'll never be free unless you forgive.....
#Learn #Live #Grow
Wednesday, July 1, 2015
Why You Should Never Give Up
I know I haven't been posting consistently.
I am probably like quite a few people....I have plans; I have ideas; I have goals; I have a hard time asking others for help-I would rather do things on my own, that way the success or lack thereof is soley on me.
I am struggling right now because I know I can do more to help others; I want to help others; I want to be able to trust and rely on others again. I want to feel like I'm living my life to the fullest....serving God's purpose for me. I want others to know the can trust me.
Tomorrow is a new day.
While I may be feeling today like I should do more....
I can and I will be doing more to help others.
Tonight I'm praying that God shows me how!
Good night!
Saturday, June 13, 2015
An Honest Review of Beachbody's '3- Day Refresh'
A few of my friends had plans to complete the 21 day program called "Ultimate Reset" ™, but I wasn't ready for that yet....I was used to taking baby steps towards my fitness goals.
I had never completed a "cleanse"...."detox"....or any "juice diets" before so I wasn't really sure if I was going to like it....let alone complete the whole thing. But, I had been feeling tired, bloated, and just plain miserable so I decided to give it a try....it's only 3 days, right?
1 box of organic green tea
The 3 Day Refresh™ kit included:
The program guide (the FYI's on the program as well as lists of allowed foods, recipes, and the daily meal plan.
3 packets of vegan chocolate Shakeology™(the program is also available without shakeology if you already are a Shakeology™ consumer. (If you want to know more about Shakeology™, you need to contact me!) Shakeology™ is consumed for breakfast each day.
3 packets of Fiber Sweep (a blend of soluble and insoluble fibers designed for a healthy digestive system), which is consumed mid-morning each day.
6 packets of Vanilla Fresh (a high protein shake which is dairy and soy- free to help satisfy hunger) , this is consumed with lunch and dinner each day.
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
30 Day FREE Challenge!
But, my favorite challenges last all month long!
I am super excited to host a 30 day challenge involving the Beachbody on demand videos!
Plans are to mix it up with #upper body, #lower body, #cardio, #abs; working all areas of the body in a fun, motivating way!
I would love for you to join me and see what #BOD is all about!
Feel free to post your email to get signed up!
Group starts June 1st so don't delay!
Message me with any questions! CoachFreezeFrame34@gmail.com

Sunday, February 1, 2015
Family Friendly Pre-Game Warmup for Football Fans!
You'll be ready to leap off the couch and cheer for your favorite team, or make a mad dash for the bean dip before your family members!
It's simple and easy!
Doing so at your own pace...slowly or quickly!
We don't want any sideline injuries today or any day!
1 minute jog
1 minute stretch
1 minute of bringing your knees to your chest. (One at a time or together for a tuck jump)
1 minute low stance....quick feet. Don't bring your legs up too high for this one!
1 minute to cool down and stretch!
You did it!
*Always check with your doctor before starting any exercise program no matter how fun it can be!*
A Healthy Shakeology Recipe that Tastes like Dessert!
One of my favorite recipes is:
1/2 to 1 packet (or scoop) of chocolate Shakeology (available in vegan chocolate too!)
1 medium sized banana ( you can peel and freeze before adding and you won't even need ice...nice!)
1 scoop of peanut butter or (PB2)
1 cup of milk (or milk substitute) I love almond milk, especially when using the vegan chocolate!
Blend and drink.....Yum!
* Fun additions- 1 scoop of greek yogurt, 1/4 cup of cooked oatmeal, 1 sprinkle of cinnamon*
Now that is a fast food I can eat and not feel guilty about!
What's your favorite smoothie or shake recipe?
Not sure what Shakeology is, or even if it's right for you? Contact me to find out how you can transform your health in 30 days (or you don't pay!)
Friday, January 30, 2015
Family Focused Fitness Fun!
So, my goals for 2015 are to get focused on my family, faith, fitness, and finances.....What better way to try to meet my goals than to do a fun, family focused fitness challenge....that is FREE!
And I'm inviting YOU to join ME!
- Participate in fun fitness activities designed to get the whole family involved in a healthy lifestyle!
- Easy to follow tips adaptable for any age group!
- Closed Facebook group with accountability, motivation, and fun runs February 1-14.
We're keeping it simple and driving the mission to make it adaptable for everyone! So that means those with little ones, those who want to get family members involved but aren't sure how to include them long-distance, or just plain...anyone and everyone....moms, dads, grandparents, singles!
- No matter how small or large your fitness goals are, you are welcome to join us for these two weeks!
- We're pairing up our fitness activities with some recipes even the pickiest pallets can enjoy!
All you have to do is comment your email address below and I'll be in touch!
P.S. Here's a preview and printable calendar! Family Focused Fit Calendar
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
FOCUS 2015
My resolution this year is to FOCUS!
My FOCUS is focused on 4 "F" words.....and NO, not ALL "F" words are bad!
My FOCUS is on Family, Faith, Fitness, and Finances!
I know how hard it can be to multitask especially when you are trying to FOCUS, so instead of focusing on a HUGE goal, I'm breaking it down into little manageable tasks! I'm going to FOCUS on the small things that will add up to make a BIG difference!
Having at the very minimum one dinner a week with family;
Planning a time when all electronics are put away and we can just LISTEN to each other
Showing more gratitude instead of attitude;
Devoting 15 minutes in the morning to prayer/meditation;
Becoming more involved at church
Not being afraid to share my faith
Starting with eating a healthy breakfast;
Trying to incorporate vegetables into each meal;
Working out more "on" days than "off!"
Deciding between my WANTS and NEEDS
Creating a budget and sticking to it!
Being accountable for ALL spending
I know all of these won't happen overnight, but the amazing thing is, I want to be FOCUSED, but I've been struggling with it. If you have all of your four "F"'s figured out, feel free to share how you get FOCUSED! I'd love to read your comments!
P.S. Check back in at inshapeforever.blogspot.com because I've got BIG things planned for this year to get us all FOCUSed in 2015!
Thursday, January 1, 2015
Sharing Equals Success!
Oh, I've taken "before" photographs in the past.....many......many, times.
And I usually hope that no one sees them. I keep them until I've hit my "goal" or my "after", and then I share....and then if things don't go as planned, then I delete, delete, delete!
But, this time is different!
Honestly, the only thing scarier than taking "before" pictures and hoping that no one sees them is actually knowingly and willingly sharing them!
Yes, that's why it's one of the top scariest things I've ever done.
Why is it SOOOO scary?
It's scary because there in no "after" picture.....yet!
Why would I want to share my "before" pictures before I have my "after" pictures?
My Top Reason- There isn't anything in the world that will make you more accountable than knowing that you're sharing your story and pictures in real time!
I am SO sure that I will have amazing results that I'm not waiting until the "after"; I'm sharing the "before" and the "currently"....
I am ready to complete my programs the way they were designed to be completed. And that means for me:
- Working out when I would rather not
- Making smarter decisions and eating cleaner
- Realizing when I am hungry vs- stressed, bored, tired, thirsty
- Making time instead of trying to find time (If you're looking for extra time, you'll never find it....Believe me, I've looked for it everywhere!)
- Sharing my successes and failures with others who may have been in the same situation before or are currently struggling.
I'm hoping that when I have my "after" pictures, I won't be the same person.
I won't be the same person who is tired of being tired.
I won't be the same person who is asked by strangers if they are pregnant.
I won't be the same person who is told the only way to lose their belly fat is to get a tummy tuck.
I won't be the same person who is destined to be a certain shape.
I am ready to work hard and see REAL results in REAL time!
If you want to follow my journey, and see my daily pictures....starting today 1/1/15, then feel free to follow on instagram at: instagram.com/in.shape.forever/
Don't be afraid to share your journey from start to finish!
Don't wait until you hit your perfect "after" pictures to share your story!
No matter where you are starting from....or where you want to go.....success will happen when you share!
Even if you're not ready to share pictures, don't be afraid to:
- Share your ideas
- Share your goals with family and friends
- Share inspiration
- Share motivation
- Share recipes!
Happy New Year!