A few of my friends had plans to complete the 21 day program called "Ultimate Reset" ™, but I wasn't ready for that yet....I was used to taking baby steps towards my fitness goals.
I had never completed a "cleanse"...."detox"....or any "juice diets" before so I wasn't really sure if I was going to like it....let alone complete the whole thing. But, I had been feeling tired, bloated, and just plain miserable so I decided to give it a try....it's only 3 days, right?
I read over the booklet which came with the program, and I started to feel like maybe I can do this! I wouldn't be starving....I would be eating clean for 3 days....it was something that my body, mind, and soul definitely needed....a break from all of the junk I was feeding it!
I planned to start the program on a Monday; although, I would recommend starting on a Friday so that you have Friday, Saturday, and Sunday to complete the program....But, ultimately, the choice is yours! Choose whatever day works best for you!
I went shopping for the foods I would be eating during the program. I was surprised that I didn't spend a ton of money. The foods I purchased were foods that I normally buy; although, they usually go bad before I eat them! This program would be make me be accountable for my spending and food intake!
The items I bought for myself and used throughout the programs, include:
1 cantaloupe;
3 bananas;
1 pack of grape tomatoes;
1 red onion;
1 package of celery;
1 package of carrots;
2 cucumbers;
fresh green beans;
5 lemons;
water (a gallon of purified water for each day)
1 box of organic green tea
1 box of organic green tea
1 ginger root
1 container of hummus
The other ingredients I already had available at home, included:
vinegar (apple cider; red wine; balsamic)
Extra virgin olive oil;
Coconut oil;
Himalayan sea salt;
seasonings- chopped basil; chopped parsley; garlic
The 3 Day Refresh™ kit included:
The program guide (the FYI's on the program as well as lists of allowed foods, recipes, and the daily meal plan.
3 packets of vegan chocolate Shakeology™(the program is also available without shakeology if you already are a Shakeology™ consumer. (If you want to know more about Shakeology™, you need to contact me!) Shakeology™ is consumed for breakfast each day.
3 packets of Fiber Sweep (a blend of soluble and insoluble fibers designed for a healthy digestive system), which is consumed mid-morning each day.
6 packets of Vanilla Fresh (a high protein shake which is dairy and soy- free to help satisfy hunger) , this is consumed with lunch and dinner each day.
The 3 Day Refresh™ kit included:
The program guide (the FYI's on the program as well as lists of allowed foods, recipes, and the daily meal plan.
3 packets of vegan chocolate Shakeology™(the program is also available without shakeology if you already are a Shakeology™ consumer. (If you want to know more about Shakeology™, you need to contact me!) Shakeology™ is consumed for breakfast each day.
3 packets of Fiber Sweep (a blend of soluble and insoluble fibers designed for a healthy digestive system), which is consumed mid-morning each day.
6 packets of Vanilla Fresh (a high protein shake which is dairy and soy- free to help satisfy hunger) , this is consumed with lunch and dinner each day.
The Night Before '3 Day Refresh' ™
I would not recommend what I did the night before "3 day Refresh' ™. Most people would start implementing small changes into their lifestyle, but me? I stayed up late watching tv, snacking on chips and indulging in a few adult beverages....AGAIN....I would not recommend doing that, but I'm only human...and being honest.
When doing the program again, which I definitely will, I will be implementing changes so that my body isn't in too much of a shock going from processed to clean!
Day 1-
8-10 oz. of water after waking up.
At breakfast time, I wasn't too hungry....remember how I stayed up late, eating and drinking? Yeah, that's why I wasn't hungry...I was still full from the night before :( But, I decided that I was going to stick with the program, so I made my shake (shakeology), and followed the program from here on out. I also had a banana, which is an approved fruit, followed by a morning tea (organic green tea) and my mid-morning Fiber Sweep.
Lunch- I had my fruit, vanilla fresh shake, vegetable, and healthy fat (I discovered I REALLY don't like avocado!
Snack- I decided to try the "juice option" and even though it tasted fine, about 10 minutes later, I was wishing I ate something......so I settled on sipping my tea....and waiting until dinner time!
Dinner- My biggest mistake was making my dinner the night before. I let the tomatoes and cucumber soak in vinegar ALL night. The cucumbers tasted like pickles....about 20 minutes later my stomach was upset because of all of the vinegar (once again...my fault!)
Evening Tea time- I thought I would be in bed early; I started to get tired, but decided to take a bath, and I got a second wind. I then decided to savor my tea and go to bed and be ready for day 2!
Day 2-
8oz. of water after waking up. Today I added freshly squeezed lemon to the mix!
I didn't complete any workouts during day number one- so I decided I would do a little bit of exploring on #BOD (beachbody on demand). The program suggests light to moderate workouts, so I decided I would do a little bit of PiYo. The stretching was good and was needed. My body was sore from all of the detoxing.
Breakfast- I was doing better with having shakeology and fruit for breakfast. In the past, I wasn't able to "just have a shake for breakfast." I usually have an upset stomach because of all of the vitamins and minerals...But I think that having the water as soon as I wake up is making it a lot easier on my body!
Afternoon tea- Organic green tea
Followed by the mid-morning Fiber Sweep. I learned the faster you drink it, the better.....Think mix.....and drink....drink.....drink....The longer you let it sit, the clumpier it gets....
Think drinking sand is awesome???? Yeah me neither!
P.S. Shake your fiber sweep in your Shakeology™ or other mixing cup....don't try to mix in a water bottle like I did! Adding more water only adds to the amount you still have to swallow, so less water and less waiting...just mix and drink....Trust me....Mix and drink!
Lunch- Vanilla Fresh shake and lunch options- 1 fruit; 1 vegetable; 1 healthy fat. I opted for cantaloupe, an assortment of vegetables (so I could share with my daughter (and save the rest for snack time), and hummus. I was feeling pretty good after this meal....and had to force myself to eat the snack later on!
Snack- leftovers from lunch:
Dinner- I was on the go- so I stopped at the grocery store. I should have done better planning for the others in my household for what they would be eating while I was on the 3- day Refresh™ but I didn't. So I decided to hit the store. It was actually easier shopping than I expected. I was in...and out...and I made myself a salad. I didn't use dressing, but added a little bit of salsa on top (although salsa isn't on the list- but it's a lot better than some of the other alternatives.)
Vanilla Fresh- I consumed around 8pm since I was out and about. I started to get really hungry.....all because I skipped the vanilla fresh. This is one reason why I would not recommend doing a 3-day cleanse without specifically designed products!
I had my tea late this night- around 11pm and wasn't in bed until around 12:30. I woke up early....around 5am with a bunch of energy....but I was really sore. I decided to drink water, soak in a warm bath, and I took a nap from around 6:30am to 7:30am and I felt a lot better! (More of a reason to try this over a long weekend!)
Day 3- Last Day! Wahooo! I woke up after my nap feeling like I was going to finish this NO matter what!
Water after waking up.
Breakfast- I was in a habit now and loving the convenience of having Shakeology™ and a fruit option for breakfast!
Tea about an hour later.
Fiber sweep an hour after that.
Lunch- Cantaloupe, vanilla fresh, water, celery and hummus
Snack- Home made juice
Afternoon Tea time
Dinner- Dinner was a little bit of a struggle. I had lemony green beans (recipe from the program guide) and I was at a function at my church. There were a lot of temptations there- a litany of my favorites: pizza, chicken wings, cookies, salad (with bacon, cheese, and croutons!), and chocolate! But, I was strong and consumed my vanilla fresh shake and green beans knowing that this was the final day and hours....and I was so close that I was not going to give up!
Evening tea- I decided to work out a little more heavily this evening and I completed a video from my collection of 21DayFix ™ dvds with my friend. After the workout, my friend offered my an adult bevearge, and I politely declined. I was looking forward to seeing my results in the morning, and I wasn't going to let a little (or a BIG) drink get in my way! I had gone this far and I wasn't turning back now!
The next morning!
Getting on the scale, I was excited to see that I had dropped 3 pounds but I was even more excited to see 4 inches lost overall!
What I Liked-
I like that the program is focused around teaching you to make healthy choices. I'm not a huge vegetable and fruit eater, but the program made me realize how much my body loves...and even craves healthy foods, not just junk!
I also liked the flexibility; there was numerous meals to chose from; you don't have to eat the same things for 3 days straight. I decided to keep my recipes simple and stick to things I like, but for the next round, I plan to venture out and try something new!
I liked that the program was simple, and that's the way it should be. It was literally fool proof.
My Recommendations-
First, learn from my mistakes, and don't stay up the night before bingeing! Make small changes daily, swap out that burger for a salad, or start drinking Shakeology™ for breakfast!
Write out your meal plan so you know exactly when, where, and what you will be eating! No surprises... and no telling yourself you'll figure it out later! (that's when you're most likely to cheat!)
Get some sleep! Go to bed at a decent time and wake up feeling refreshed! I did the opposite! I tried to stay up late and sleep in....Enjoy this time of "resetting your body" instead of trying to run on "E"!
Don't plan to travel while doing the first round! You don't have to stay confined to your house, but if you are venturing out, make sure you have a plan so you don't give in to temptations...because there will be some....there will always be some! Stay strong! You got this!
Join an accountability group! You don't have to do this on your own! Take advice from someone who has done the program before! (Like me!) (Want an accountability partner?- Email me! Coachfreezeframe34@gmail.com
My Results!
Want to join me on my next round of 3-day Refresh ....or learn more about the other programs BeachBody® offers?
Leave your e-mail below and I'll be in touch!
(OR else Email me- Coachfreezeframe34@gmail.com)
If I can do this...you can too!
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