The premise of Diet Bet is simple- you select a game, pay to play, lose the weight, and split the pot. Sounds easy right????
I'll let you know why my first game came as a struggle, but why I decided to roll right into the next game!
Deciding to Start-
Let me just say, that the conversation with my neighbor started like this. We are at the kitchen table, both on our phones scrolling through Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram. We are sipping wine and from time to time, we'll show each other a funny picture or start talking about a healthy recipe we want to try. "I really want to lose weight," she says. "Me too. Me too," I say. We start throwing around ideas....."Maybe I should: join a another workout healthier.....drink more on portion some of those home direct meals....." So we share some recipes and the idea of a diet bet comes up. "I'm in if you're in" and so it begins. We paid our $30 and then we had to lose 4% in 4 weeks. For me, that was a little over 6 pounds.

For the actual weigh in, you are given a "code" word to prevent cheating. My "code word was "lily" and since I started at 158.6, I needed to weigh in at 152.3 in order to "win". That gave me 4 weeks to lose 4%.

The Process-
At first, I decided to record my weight just so that I could see how much it fluctuated from day to day, and literally from night to day! What I learned was, some mornings I weighed more than the night before! This was usually when I ate right before bed, but still...I never thought I would gain weight in my sleep!!! When I logged my meals daily into My Fitness Pal, I wasn't surprised at what I saw. I logged everything, and I mean everything....that little scoop of ice cream....logged....that shake of PB2 in my shakeology....logged. That 10 minute bicycle ride....logged. At first, I though this was going to be easy, especially when I hit the threshold between losing and winning after day 7. I just have to maintain.....I can do this I thought. But after 4 days, my weight went up a little....not too much, but anything over 152.3 meant I even 152.4 deemed me a "loser". I felt a little pressure- stress I put on my self.
- "What if I fail?"
- "What if I lose the money?"
- "This is just great...I put it on my credit I have to pay even more....with interest"
- "I should have never even started this"
- were all thoughts going through my head.

Finishing Up-
I had pretty much decided that this was going to be a one-time thing. I set out to accomplish what I said I would do, and I pretty much went on an emotional roller-coaster- I put myself in a place I didn't really want to be. The game was supposed to be fun, but I turned it into more than just a was a mission. Some missions are good, but some are bad. The fact that I was weighing myself every day and night was not healthy, and the feelings I attached as my weight fluctuated were down right emotionally destructive. I finished my diet bet under my goal- I had lost 8.8 pounds and weighted in at 149.8. I should be happy now, right? No, I'm not...because that's not where I want to be.....but its' a start and I'll take it! :) I thought long and hard about sharing my journey and my struggles- it's not easy. But, I know I'm not alone.....I know there are people out there

It took me getting out of my comfort zone and trying something new to learn about myself. I now know how my body responds to what I put into it. I wouldn't recommend recording your weight every day like I did- but I did learn that I put way too much pressure on myself and that I put way too much emphasis on what I weigh and how I look. But I know that it's up to me to do something about it and to be a positive role model and lead my daughter into achieving goals in a healthy way....that means physically, emotionally, and spiritually. I decided to do another diet bet, but this one is going to be different- not only because it's only $10 instead of $30, but because I'm going in with a completely different mindset. I'm recording my weight (for observation and blogging purposes only) and I'm removing my negative feelings. I'm more than I number on the scale.....I am a teacher, a mother, a friend, a coach, and if I can reach my goals....then you can trust me to help you reach yours!
The author, Julie Freeze is a high school teacher, independent team beachbody coach and a certified PiYo instructor. In addition to her degree in education, Julie has completed a program in personal nutrition, sports nutrition, and child nutrition as well as personal weight loss.
You can contact her at
If you would like to follow her on Instagram, she is @:in.shape.forever
You can also follow on FB: In Shape Forever- with Julie Freeze at

Want a better look at what Julie has been eating?
Send her a request at My Fitness Pal: FreezeFrame34.
Cheers to starting a new diet bet right where the first one left off!!!!
P.S. Many people want to know how much money I won through the diet bet-The pot was $304,410, and there were 10,146 players. Remember you have to lose 4% in 4 weeks to "win" the pot. The company takes 25% to pay their referees, other employees, and adminstrative costs. But if everyone wins, the will eat their costs and you will earn your money back. So if you "win", you'll never lose money. My payout was $48. Since I paid $30 to play, I won $18 and I lost 8 pounds! But, remember, it's not about the money...or the's about being a winner, learning about yourself, and becoming a better version of you. (But a little extra money is ok too!)
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