Sunday, January 3, 2016

2016 Goals for InShapeForever

It's the new year, and like many bloggers (who haven't blogged in a while), you may feel just like me....
✅Full of ideas but no motivation to make it happen.
✅Struggling to find the time to do things like washing the pile of clothes on the floor,  cleaning the dishes in the sink, or eating healthy, let alone planning out a whole blogpost!
✅Feeling like your blog became more of an obligation rather than something you want to do.
✅Guilty because you didn't "finish" something you started.

I'm right there with you! I've felt so much pressure (which no one has placed on me but myself). I've wanted to post more....but I'm just so busy and I've let life get in the way! 

I have a vision for #InShapeForever and I can't wait to make my dreams a reality!

I'm starting this year off with a few goals and I'd love your help on a few of them!

1) My first goal is to post EVERY Sunday! I'm carving out that time just for me (and you!). You see, I feel so much better when I get my intentions, my worries, my fears, my ambitions down on paper (and the internet). If you're a fellow blogger, pick a day that works for you, and make a goal....posting once a month, or once a week. For me, just blogging "when I got around to it" meant I haven't posted in months (thus the guilty feeling).

2) My second goal is to have a theme for this year (call it a resolution if you will). My theme is "less is more" and it totally aligns with the mission here at #InShapeForever for getting in shape physically, mentally, and spiritually! We all need to stress less, love more, give more, buy less,.....and the list goes on and on!

3) For my new goal to post every week (Sunday as I promised), I would like to feature one person each month who aligns with the mission here! If you or you know someone who would be interested in being feautured, comment your email below or email me directly at!

4)Feel free to call me out if I fall short on my goals for this year!

I started this blog with everyone in mind, and if there is something you want to see, then tell me! I'm all open ears for suggestions! I'm here for me, but I'm also here for you!

Happy Sunday y'all! Have a blessed day and week until next Sunday!!!!


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