Friday, July 31, 2015

In Shape Forever Montly Newsletter starts August 1, 2015

I'm super excited to release my In Shape Forever monthly newsletter starting August 1st, 2015.

I have a ton of ideas and I can not wait to share my mission of becoming In shape not only physically but also spiritually and mentally!

I'll be adding information on free groups, recipes, motivation and inspiration!

To join my newsletter list, comment your email below or email me at coachfreezeframe34@gmail.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Letting Ourselves Forgive

After church today, I had the pleasure of meeting a fellow mother at lunch.

We had a powerful discussion about why it's hard for us to forgive others, and more importantly why it's hard to forgive ourselves.

Don't get it wrong, it's an amazing responsibility God has given us to be mothers, but that responsibility can weigh heavy on our heart, our minds, and we can often lose track of who is really in charge.....God.

While I'm still struggling to "figure it all out," I know that while I'm in the storm right now, that there is a reason why it's happening. Something positive will come from it; I just can't lose faith in others, myself, and more importantly my God.

After lunch, we prayed and while driving home, I glanced over to read a church sign. It read, "Forgiveness means setting the prisoner free who you find out was you all along."

I'm not going to lie, forgiving isn't easy, but no matter what someone else has done to you....your family....or you have done to yourself. You'll never be free unless you forgive.....

#Learn #Live #Grow

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Why You Should Never Give Up

I know I haven't been posting consistently.

I am probably like quite a few people....I have plans; I have ideas; I have goals; I have a hard time asking others for help-I would rather do things on my own, that way the success or lack thereof is soley on me.

I am struggling right now because I know I can do more to help others; I want to help others; I want to be able to trust and rely on others again.  I want to feel like I'm living my life to the fullest....serving God's purpose for me. I want others to know the can trust me.

Tomorrow is a new day.
While I may be feeling today like I should do more....
I can and I will be doing more to help others.
Tonight I'm praying that God shows me how!

Good night!